Rainbow External Link Cloud is a PHP-based cloud storage and external link sharing program that supports the upload of files in all formats. It can generate external links for files, images, music, and videos, along with corresponding UBB and HTML codes. Additionally, it supports online preview for text, images, music, and videos, making it not only a cloud storage service, but also a platform for image hosting and music streaming. The new version includes integration with Alibaba Cloud OSS, Tencent Cloud COS, Huawei Cloud OBS, Upyun, and Qiniu Cloud, as well as adding image violation detection functionality.

1. Fixed a critical security vulnerability (update is highly recommended).
2. Fixed issues with file search in the backend.

1. Added a user system, allowing logged-in users to retain upload records.
2. Defaulted to using chunked uploading to resolve issues with uploading large files.
3. Calculated file hashes before uploading to support rapid file transfer and added file integrity verification.
4. Cloud storage now supports direct API integration for faster upload speeds without the need for local transfer.
5. Direct link download mode is now supported for faster download speeds.
6. Added breakpoint resume functionality for file downloads and drag-and-drop video playback.
7. New file search functionality has been added.
8. Added support for Qiniu Cloud storage.
9. Optimized the styling of file preview pages, among other improvements.

Tags: #Rainbow #CloudStorage #UserSystem #Upload

