Rainbow Aggregated Login is a social account aggregation login system under Rainbow, providing websites with a one-stop social account login selection, including WeChat, Weibo, QQ, Baidu, and other accounts. It simplifies the user registration and login process, improves the user experience on the website, and quickly increases the website’s registration and user data volume. The system also provides comprehensive development documentation and SDK for easy integration by developers.

Key Features:
1. A brand new user center interface that allows viewing of overall statistical information and announcements.
2. Supports online purchase of membership levels, and can set available login methods and account number limits according to different membership levels.
3. Convenient access to application statistics, including statistics on login method distribution, new account numbers, and number of requests.
4. All logged-in accounts are clearly displayed.

Installation Instructions:
1. Ensure that your PHP version is 7.1 or higher. Simply access the domain name followed by “/install” to begin installation.
2. The backend management address is “/admin”, with the default account being “admin” and the default password being “123456”.
3. By using the Rainbow Aggregated Login system, you can conveniently increase the website’s user base, improve user registration rates, and provide a better login experience for users. Welcome to use the Rainbow Aggregated Login system, and wish you success!

QQ Connect Application Instructions:
First, you must have a domain name that is already registered.
QQ Connect application address: https://connect.qq.com/
When applying, do not use this program to apply directly, otherwise it will not be approved.
It is recommended to set up a blog to apply, as it is easier to be approved based on actual tests.
When applying, fill in the callback address: http://yourdomain/return.php

#Rainbow #Aggregated #Login #Social #Account
